Market Sensitization: Ojo LGA Partners Lagos State Fire Service


May 7th, 2022

Office of the Executive Chairman
Ojo Local Government.

Ojo Local Government partners Lagos State Fire Service.

...educates market association on fire prevention and management...

...set to apply disciplinary actions on defaulters...

The management team of the Caring local government led by the Executive Chairman *Alhaji Rasulu Olushola Idowu* on Thursday 5th of May 2022 hosted the traders and market association of *Iyana Iba* to a day sensitization program on how to prevent and manage fire outbreak within their immediate environment. This was as a result of the fire  incident that gutted the market twice within a month.

In the Chairman's opening remarks, the occupiers of the market were advised to shun negligence and take proper charge of their business area as fire is capable of taking them out of business and can as well ruin all they depend on as source of living. It was also noted that penalty has now been placed on the use of market roads for product display which is detrimental to both human and vehicular movement in the case of emergency 🦺.

Concluding, the Mayor use the gathering as an opportunity to remind the traders association about the MOU between them and the local government as noncompliance will lead to total closure of the market environment for another purpose.

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