July 9th, 2022

Office of the Executive Chairman
Ojo Local Government.


1. Dear residents of Ojo Local Government.

2. Particularly my brothers and sisters in Islam. Let me wish you all a Happy-Eid-El-Kabir. As Muslims around the world observe this annual event to commemorate the initial sacrifice made by Prophet Ibrahim (Alayhi Salatu- Wa-Salam) who saw a vision in which he was divinely commanded by Allah to offer his only son then as sacrifice. Thus on this hallowed day, we should all be prepared to observe the sunnah of our great leader Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W).

3. As encouraged by the teachings of Islam, Muslims who are able to make animal sacrifices today are encouraged to extend their generous hands of alms to their neighbors and other members of their immediate community, especially the less privileged.

4. The activities that usually becloud this festive period including feast and exchange of visits should more so be explored to further unite us together as well as inspire us to forgive one another of past mistakes.

5. While thanking Allah for His mercies including keeping our caring local government together as one indivisible community, it is important for us as a people to remember service to humanity as the will and commandment of God. It also entails any sacrifice a man could offer for development of his or her society. 

6. Permit me to use this festive opportunity to inform all residents of Ojo Local Government that we are all leaders in our different abodes, and if we succeed in the mandate given to us by the people, we will all be beneficiaries of the good deeds.

7. At this point, I deem it fit to appreciate the tolerance of all 
Ojo-residents residing around construction vicinities within the local government. You must first understand that this construction embarked upon by the local government authority is for the use of humanity, and a discharge of our mandate to serve you better. Please, bear with us as some of these projects are rounding up for commissioning and more are still in the pipeline.

8. Finally, as the country is facing serious security challenges that are fast receiving tactical and prompt responses from all tiers of government, I will implore us all to be very conscious of all our environments during this festive period. The security of lives and properties is not government duty alone; it starts from our tireless observations to strange occurrences within our various communities. Please when you see something, don’t hesitate to quickly say something and do something meaningful to it.
9. Once again beautiful people of Ojo Local Government, may the blessings of Allah fill your life with peace, joy and good health.

10. Barka Da Sallah.

11. E-Sign
*Alhaji Rasulu Olushola Idowu*
Executive Chairman of Ojo Local Government.

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